Rail Fence – A Cost Effective Fence for a Very Large Property

Wooden rail fences have been used for many years. They are cost effective and add a sense of safety and security to a property. Once installed properly, they also provide the required aesthetic appearance and contribute to the overall design of a home.

Some homeowners like to replace their fences on a regular basis, but usually do not have the time or the money to do so. This is where professional fence installation comes in handy. If you have a wooden rail fence that needs to be replaced or would like to install a new one yourself, there are several things you need to take into consideration before beginning.

First, you should measure the area in which you intend to place your wooden rail fence. It is a good idea to measure the fence rail’s overall length, width, and height as well. Knowing these dimensions will make it easier to make sure the fence you buy will fit the area you are planning to install it.

Next, you should consider the material you want to use for your fence. Wood fences are available in different types, including aluminum, vinyl, and composite wood. Depending on the type of the fence you purchase, you will either need to purchase the appropriate type of fence railing to match it, or to contact a company specializing in wood-rail fences and ask for recommendations for a type of fence railing to use.

After making sure you have the possible budget, you should decide on whether or not you will need a professional to do the fence installation for you. Professional fence installation company can be very costly, but can guarantee a quality finished product. In most cases, a professional fence installation company will also include some type of warranty on the work done. Make sure you understand all the terms of the warranty before you sign anything.

When you buy an old wooden rail fence, you should inspect it carefully. You should check for any signs of damage, such as bent, cracked, or broken rails. You should also look for signs of excessive wear and tear, such as frayed strings, damaged bracing, or missing string guides.

Many of the materials used in making wood rail fences are quite flammable. While a wooden rail fence may be a more expensive option, it can burn if it catches fire and may cause fire damage to your home or nearby structures. Therefore, be certain that you are comfortable with the people you hire to perform fence installation.

Finally, make sure you are aware of your local requirements. For example, some jurisdictions require a particular type of fence railing, and others may require a specific size. Ask your local landscape designer or other experts for advice on what materials are required to satisfy your local guidelines.